Pavel Obod

Serial IT entrepreneur, investor, networker

Pavel Obod

Serial IT entrepreneur, investor, networker

Top 100 most inspiring people in Ukraine
Editorial staff voted for Top Most Inspiring People. The results and winners of the project have been published in this article.

The preliminary list included more than 200 people who were nominated by readers and editors. The final list included one hundred of the brightest personalities who, with their actions, achievements, stories, inspire Ukrainians to new achievements. When compiling the list, the editors paid attention primarily to how much the heroes inspire with their style of doing business, lifestyle and personal style.


  • CEO в Sloboda Studio Ukraine
    Founder of the IT company Sloboda Studio, founded in 2010, 70+ people with offices in Kharkov and Cherkassy.
  • Founder and Partner в Growth Factory
    Founder of Growth Factory - a consulting and educational business whose goal is to improve the business level of Eastern European IT companies.
  • Founder в Outsource People Conference
    One of the projects - Outsource People - is the largest conference on the topic of IT service business in Eastern Europe.
  • Partner в stepINVEST+
    Co-owner of the stepINVEST + group of companies: commercial real estate agency and investment company. Co-founder of the stepSHAREs project.
Other projects

Description for media

Currently working in three partially or completely of his projects:

  1. Founder of the IT company Sloboda Studio, founded in 2010, 70+ people with offices in Kharkov and Cherkassy.

  2. Founder of Growth Factory is a consulting and educational business that aims to improve the business level of Eastern European IT companies.
    One of the projects - Outsource People - is the largest conference on the topic of IT service business in Eastern Europe.
  3. Co-owner of the stepINVEST+ group of companies: commercial real estate agency and investment company.
    Co-founder of the fintech project of equity investment in commercial real estate in Kharkiv - stepSHAREs.

Links to social networks:

  • Brand ambassador of the Payoneer payment platform in Ukraine
  • My 3-year-old daughter has visited more than 20 countries with me on business trips
  • Still unusual about me ( in my telegram channel (
Professional photography
Areas of competence
  • Service IT business
    Creation and development of IT companies from 0. Strategy and development.
  • Marketing
    Digital marketing, auto funnels, copywriting.
  • Events
    Experience in organizing conferences for up to 1000 people with budgets up to $ 100k in Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.
  • Communities
    Created more than 20 IT business communities in Ukraine and Belarus from the CEO, sales and PM clubs.
  • Online education
    Created online courses and programs in programming, IT business.
  • Investments, commercial real estate, passive income.
    Investments in loans, commercial real estate, the stock market and cryptocurrencies.
My photos
Interesting about me
  • How it all began
    In 2009 I had a six months IT internship in Jordan, where my company Sloboda Studio comes from. It was there that I learned basic Ruby on Rails technology and started getting my first orders. Based on this, I have certain sympathies for the Arabs. In my opinion, their mentality is very similar to the Ukrainians. I also have a good attitude towards Muslim culture, and of course, I do not accept terrorism in any form.
  • Favorite city
    My favorite city is Berlin. This is a very peculiar city that is very different from other European capitals. For most, he may seem poor, variegated, and at the same time insanely tolerant. There is a deep history in it. I also generally like German and European culture.
  • I love learning languages
    I learned English quite late, at about 24 years old, but I speak and write it quite fluently. For the first year and a half I spoke with my daughter only in English. She even remembers something else in this language. Now I am studying German, in November in Berlin I passed on B2. And now I am preparing with a teacher on C1. I also studied Chinese and Arabic for half a year, but did not advance further.
  • Love sports
    Now I do yoga, I do jogging professionally with a trainer and individually - rock climbing. There is also mountaineering in my sports life, but to fairly simple peaks, up to the 3rd category. From ascents to famous peaks - Kazbek, the highest point in Georgia; Mont Blanc - the top of the European Union; Damavand is the highest peak in Iran, and of course, Hoverla.
  • I am a vegetarian
    I have not eaten either meat or fish for the last 15 years and I feel great) The main reason is that I feel sorry for the animals and I do not want to be involved in the murder machine. Vegetarianism does not prevent me from doing sports at all, I do not feel any problems, perhaps on the contrary - an additional source of energy. At the same time, in my family, my wife and daughter eat up a little meat.
  • Visited about 40 countries
    Most of them were travel for work or volunteer projects, not tourism.
    He took his parents three times and several on independent trips.
  • Obod party
    Once he gathered all his paternal relatives and organized an Obod-party for 30 people. The whole family played paintball, looked at the family tree and old photographs. I try to financially and morally support my relatives.
  • Volunteer background
    Previously, he actively participated in volunteer and social projects - working with schoolchildren with the course "School without Aggression", EURO 2012, exchange internships at AIESEC - in Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Jordan and China.
My personal photos
"Switching between several businesses helps you to look with fresh eyes and be always on our toes."

Pavel Obod

"Switching between several businesses helps you to look with fresh eyes and be always on our toes."
Pavel Obod
Charitable Foundation "Trohi Vognu"
The Trohi Vognu Charitable Foundation helps children from low-income families in socialization and career guidance.
MARTIN Club helps children and women in times of crisis by providing social and human rights services
My contacts
Блог Павла Обода

Пять идей в бизнесе, от которых я отказался

Есть много советов , как что-то делать. Как пишет Нассим Талеб в книге:

“Загляните в любую книгу, заглавие которой начинается с «Как…» (продолжение придумайте сами: разбогатеть, потерять вес, завести друзей, внедрить инновацию, провести успешную предвыборную кампанию, накачать мускулы, найти мужа, руководить детским приютом и так далее).”

Однако на практике профессионалы используют «негативные» советы, те, которые отобрала эволюция: шахматные гроссмейстеры обычно выигрывают, не давая себя победить; люди богатеют, потому что не банкротятся (особенно когда это делают другие); религии в основном запрещают что-то; мудрость жизни состоит в понимании, чего именно следует избегать.”

Делюсь своими советами - что НЕ делать в бизнесе из своего же опыта...


Раньше я часто запускал новые проекты бед человека, который займется развитием, и не брал эту функцию на себя. Теперь я знаю, что такие проекты обречены на смерть, даже полезный опыт не всегда получаешь. Например, пытались специализировать нашу IT компанию в healthcare и недвижимость, но не выделили человека, который будет заниматься только этим. Без энтузиаста хорошие начинания остаются на бумаге. Если сейчас у меня нет ключевого человека, который будет тянуть проект 150% времени, я не начинаю.


В начале жизни моей IT компании у меня всё держалось на одном ключевом сотруднике и одном клиенте. Разумеется, это мешает спокойно спать и обещает проблемы. У всех ключевых сотрудников должен быть “олимпийский резерв”, а один клиент не может генерировать больше 30% вашего оборота. В личной жизни нужно несколько источников дохода, лучше множественных: недвижимость, акции, доли в бизнесах. Пусть даже основной бизнес приносит вам 90%.


Когда мы ищем пути роста для бизнеса, есть искушение взять внешнего консультанта или ментора с большим опытом и ждать, что он выведет компанию на новый уровень. Это не происходит, потому что главная проблема бизнеса - ограничения в голове собственника. Классные специалисты приходят в компании, но не могут расправить там крылья. Поэтому я уверен, что на 90% рост компании зависит от ключевого человека внутри неё, но генерировать доход на нём одном нельзя!


В работе важно научиться делегировать и не тащить всё на себе. Это освобождает вас, собственника, и развивает ваших людей. Будьте готовы к тому, что сотрудники сначала будут делать что-то хуже вас, но в конечном счете могут вас превзойти.


Несколько раз, к сожалению, попадался на эту удочку. Тешишь себя надеждами, что потом будет лучше, просто начало не задалось. На практике это не работает. Если заказчик сразу демонстрирует хамство, наглость, не платит уже на старте, это почти гарантирует, что в будущем ждут проблемы. С хорошими клиентами, как правило, всё легко и здорово с самого начала.

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